Ive been dating with

That wasnt a crack, it was a break. Della Street started dialing the number. Where does she work? You made some considerable effort to see that your shadowing was unnoticed? Ive got to leave town on business, Stone said. Ill be gone a day or two. Ill arrange for a secure apartment for you, and you’ll be taken there, with a nurse, when the doctor discharges you. All you have to do then is relax and watch old movies on TV. Some, yes, sir. You dont need to tell the police that. Are you going to be there? In fact, when Henry saw me he reached down, grabbed his ball bat and set it right on the bar so Id be sure to see it. He made sure to pop his biceps. Right. In the canoe? He told me he simply had to see you tonight. Then theres only one other bullet to be accounted for? How do you like the coffee? Nan made it. You havent gone to anyone else with it, have you? Such as the FBI? Murfin fired twice as he rolled and the blond man staggered, dropped his gun, clutched at his stomach just above the belt, and then sank slowly and perhaps even carefully to his knees. He stayed there on his knees for a moment before he toppled over onto his left side..