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Are you speaking with authority? Mason asked. Yes, redemption. Im not telling you shit. Mason turned to the witness.I want you to check your remaining revolvers with the list of numbers, and I want you to produce that list of numbers. And who will furnish the difference of opinion this afternoon? Mason asked. But he used you, Stone pointed out. Wait there until counsel finishes the examination of this witness, and then the Court will take a brief recess. Do you, he asked, turning to Mason courteously, wish to cross-examine the witness, Mr. Mason? From who? Herbie asked. Im sure as hell not going to give it to him. Because he wants the eight hundred grand and change, Dino offered. She stood in the doorway to the hall and the drink she held in her hand was almost dark enough to be ice tea, although I was pretty sure that it wasnt tea, but nearly straight bourbon instead. I remembered that she had liked bourbon. She stood there in the doorway and looked about the room as if seeking someone to sit next to. Her gaze ran by Murfin and me, stopped, and backed up. She dug a pair of glasses out of her purse, put them on, and looked at us again. She smiled, put the glasses back in her purse, and started toward us. She eyed him coyly.Big, strong Army Ranger with a chest full of combat medals? You could probably kill us both with your pinkie. No, I said, I dont think so. Yes, I said, it all goes together. Are the press reports accurate? Chapter 66.