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Wheres the room where the dog was kept? Mason asked. Actually, can we talk about that? No. The next thing I did, ghoulish as it was, was search him for the recorder. Hancock snapped,We are way past that, lady. Influence him to do what? Then, before I could answer,Pretty crazy shit, huh? Those little machines. Can I help you? the voice said. On the other hand, Hartley Essex, the ballistics expert employed by the district attorneys office, is equally positive that regardless of how the bullet arrived at its destination it is a bullet fired from Alders gun. Moreover, he now feels positive the .44 bullet found by searchers is probably the fatal bullet. A small fragment of dried human tissue was still adhering to the bullet when it was found. Theres only one way — someone broke into my glove compartment and stole it. Did they run it? Yes. Stone fell asleep to the accompaniment of a coyotes yip and howl; he woke up to birds singing noisily. He showered and dressed and found everybody else in the middle of breakfast, and joined them. That accomplished, he and Dino set out for town. Can we see it from here? Where do you want the other guy? They drove out to Doxeys house, which they found without difficulty. It was a large white stucco, red-tile roofed house, a traditional California type of Spanish architecture. There were two palm trees in front of the doorway to the porch, a wide cement walk crossed a velvety, grassy lawn to the sidewalk. Mason tappedthe horn button twice, and almost instantly the door opened and Herbert Doxey started out, turned, said something over his shoulder, closed the door and came running down the walk. Thats right, youre not. Sodont judge me, she added sharply. And for your information, there are only three female partners in the entire firm. I know two dozen more who lost out to guys who weren’t half as good, according to the damnBook. So take your eighties comment and shove it..