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Well, thank you. I look forward to it. Could be, Stone said. He certainly owns that table, at the very least. Carmen Monterrey, with a smile, moved over to the table.Do you wish your fortunes told? she asked, arching her eyebrows, glancing at the men but concentrating on Della Street. However, when that bottle came into my possession and I read that astounding letter, Alder went on, I wanted time to think, and I wanted time to investigate. I started an inquiry on that Los Merritos thing. Its absolutely false from beginning to end. And I want you to believe me, that Ididnt see Minerva Danby at all that night. In fact, I simply cant account for that letter. We are, Mr. Longmire, Tutor said, although we are rather extending ourselves to do it. He was good, despite being a pig. And I hated the way he always used the worddude. I mean, it was like a bad 1980s movie or something. Iam saving up, she said abruptly. Brad pays me and invests it for me. My portfolio is going gangbusters. No, sir, not of my own knowledge. Actually, we had quite a bit although it may not sound like much to you. We have proof ofeverything. Enough to take years of your life away. With that said, Im going to make you an offer that is akin to your winning the goddamn lottery, son. Now, thechoice for you is astoundingly simple. Those men outside are Army CID special agents. You can either go with them to be charged and thrown in the brig to await a military trial— Legal representation. No, we checked all that. There was nothing. When Devine got back to the house, Valentine was waiting for him in the living room, excitement and concern competing for equal time on his features. Look it over, Krogar said. Hell be here in a minute, so if you dont mind, Im going to relieve myself. Jenna threw off the covers.Im going to take a shower and go to work..