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You really want to do this, Harvey? Okay. She went to her desk, unlocked a drawer, and came out with a fat envelope and a soft leather case. And you werent by the pool on Saturday. Mason turned the canoe, sent it swiftly to the exhausted girl. No, I said. They probably wouldnt need anything else. No, Im good. Well, there we run into a little trouble. Apparently, he left Bantry at around four oclock. He says that he stopped in at a bar for a cocktail and then went to his office, getting there around five oclock. Mason rang the doorbell. I always liked that place. The husband was living in the house? He flipped up a lid below the bar. Both arms bore faded tattoos signifying that hed been in the U.S. Navy. I guessed hed served on a ship during Vietnam. Are you kidding? I couldnt find any. I was in the wrong crowd. Well, Mason said, itll probably turn out all right. I wanted to get him to take me out to show me the actual location of that north boundary line on the ground. He promised me hed co-operate in every way he could. I wanted to get out there before dark. When they were outside, she yanked her arm free and said,Look, you son of a bitch, you cant tell me what— Mason arose to cross-examine the witness. George Alder was in a predicament. He didnt dare to destroy the letter because that would have been tantamount to an admission of guilt—and then of course Pete Cadiz knew about the letter and Dorley Alder knew about the letter..