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Flashing red emergency lights wounded the chilly, cloudy night sky— two patrol cars and three unmarked police cars, a boxy ambulance and a fire chiefs red sedan, though why it was here I didnt know. Now, of those canoes—those four canoes, was there anything distinctive about any one of them? Of course not Stone slapped his forehead.Of course. He called Dino. Whos that? My niece, Elizabeth, age five and a vixen, smiled smugly and said in rapid, perfect French,Good day, uncle, I hope you are well and that Aunt Ruth is well and that the dogs and the cats and the ducks and the goats are also well. Then she stuck her tongue out at her brother. He could see that she was blondish, good-looking and apparently completely assured. I just wanted to announce that I am a stockholder in the corporation, Mason said, and as such I am interested in anything that is done by you directors. Just remember, its a lot of trouble to clean up after a shooting death. Its a lot less trouble if you shoot and miss, and that might scare him off. Okay, get a nap. Stone left her with Trixie curled up next to her. And just so you know, Ive got a signal jammer in here in case youre wearing a wire or shit like that. Drink? They got out of the car and crossed the street.Dont go peering through the window, Dino said. “Hell spot us from inside. He told me hes running Mayflower. His grandfather started it, and hes his generations representative. What do you remember about his father and grandfather? Devine sat back.Which means you found no DNA and no prints at the murder scene. Or maybe you just didnt find any ofmine. And youre trying to railroad me into a confession so you can clear this one off your list and make your boss happy and Wall Street rest easy. Only if you did pin it on me, the killer would still be out there. But Ill make a deal with you. He had a badge that looked real. And he talked like a cop. He was the one who told me that Sara hadnt killed herself. That she was murdered. Oh, shit, its my fault. Its all my goddamn fault. Late last night. It was embedded in the wall on the south side and had been fired from the fatal gun. Everything, I said. Anything. Nothing. I remember, I said. Colorfully..