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Yes, sir. Stone suddenly wasnt sleepy anymore. He got up and peeped through the blinds, into the mews. Son of a bitch, he said. “Hes there. She reached out and took his hand.Im really scared, Travis. Fell off a ladder and landed on a brick path, pretty much face-first. Mason studied the ignition switch. They were settled at their table at P.J. Clarkes when Stone asked, Did you reload? To no one. Mike led the two of them to a sofa.Ill tell you what I can. That must have hurt. I mentioned that to the captain in charge of the investigation, he said. He turned red. The boulder never moved, but, after colliding, the car went spinning past it sideways, and the airbags popped, blocking Stones vision for a very important couple of seconds. Then the car rolled onto its side and kept rolling. Stone lost track after the third rollover, then the car came crashing to a rest against an equally large boulder, and Dino seemed to be trying to sit in his lap. Was the dog limping? Unless— Slick seemed to lapse into thought without finishing his sentence. He jogged back to his place, cooling down and stretching along the way. He showered, shaved, dressed, and left his room. Valentine was on the couch dead asleep, having failed to make it up to his room the previous night. Apparently tapping keys on a laptop could be exhausting. He had heard Tapshaw softly snoring and probably dreaming of new deals and happy couples from the Hummingbird empire shed created. Please do. Mason chuckled and said,Now there I believe I have something. I dont know. Of course, I only know what my client told me, and thats a sacred confidence. They drove out to Doxeys house, which they found without difficulty. It was a large white stucco, red-tile roofed house, a traditional California type of Spanish architecture. There were two palm trees in front of the doorway to the porch, a wide cement walk crossed a velvety, grassy lawn to the sidewalk. Mason tappedthe horn button twice, and almost instantly the door opened and Herbert Doxey started out, turned, said something over his shoulder, closed the door and came running down the walk. Wade said,You followed me..