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However one kept score, Cowl was one of the hottest commodities in the most important financial center in the world. Devine took out his phone and searched the name. Yeah sure. What would you like? Im actually sort of counting on it, said Devine. How are you, Stone? Herbert Fisher was a protégé of Stones, in a manner of speaking, who had formerly been a sly shyster of an attorney with a dubious claim to membership in the bar. Under Stones tutelage, he had transformed himself into a graduate of New York University Law School, passed the bar, and gone to work for Woodman& Weld, where he was recently elected partner. Im going now. And then Alder would introduce witnesses showing that the letter had been in his possession, that it had been taken from his house, and youd be facing a perjury charge as well as a burglary charge. He rode the car down to three, turned left, and entered the dining hall that looked one narrow step down from the Ritz, or the Plaza, or whatever was to die for these days. He didnt know because that was not his world. He was just a workingman in the pay of the feudal lord. Whos he? I heard a young female reporter ask one of the greybeards. She laughed and it was a nice, throaty laugh. She sipped her Cosmo and gave him a look that he couldnt quite decipher. 17 Well, dear boy, right now I am involved in one particular aspect of this affair, but unfortunately I cant give you any details because, well, because it just might jeopardize everything. Stone was downstairs in his office by nine oclock, and Joan was lying in wait for him. Okay, she said. “Since Ive watched the morning shows and read the papers and spoken to the two agents from Strategic Services, I think I fully grasp the situation. Im not sure thats going to be enough, Travis, she said dully. Apparently Ive got a bull’s-eye on my back. You too. Quite an act they had here. Showalter had his old self-confidence back. He was the cool guy once again. Well, Mr. Barrington, he said, you can tell me where all this money came from. Did you pick her out? Thats right. Shit! Dino yelled. Why did you do that?.