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Yell at him to freeze! Yes. Cowl eyed him.So, who killed Sara? Just great, Eagle said, until the lidocaine wears off. So then I started thinking about what must have happened in case the dog really had been loose when the shooting took place and been put back in the closet afterwards. Stone explained the report to him. So, he has a good memory, especially when it comes to revenge — probably over imagined slights. Chapter Fifteen You think hes alone in the van? Dino asked. There was applause as the two candidates walked onstage. Jess waved and smiled. She took up her position behind the podium. That would explain it. Just remember, honey,maternal. That way youll get the lady vote. Well, then. That was my driver, Dino said, getting to his feet. I turned off my cell, so he had to ring the bell. He tossed off the remainder of his brandy. “Im going to go home and hide there,” he said. “Tell Helene it was a wonderful dinner, as always, and you two sleep well. Or something.” He departed. Devine sat down next to him and said,I want you to see what you can dig up on the Locust Group. There are a lot of them out there, but the one Im interested in is tied to some specific properties. He took out his phone and texted him the information. No. I want to show you an anonymous letter I received this morning..