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Mason said,Well file that fact away for future reference. The way tilings are now I dont dare to plan a defense until I see what further surprises the prosecution may have for us. From now on IU listen to the evidence as it comes in. Then IU have to wind up knowing just how that crime was committed—and make everyone think I knew it before I consented to take Dorothy Fenners case. Youre a rookie, Travis. And he knows it, even if you think the guy doesnt notice the newbies. Brad Cowl lives and breathes this place. And he was probably pissed to see you in here. Youre supposed to be eating crackers at your desk and busting your ass to make him more money. So you gotthelook. But wont I have to tell that sooner or later? Isnt it evidence, and.. To get a printer cartridge that someone on the floor told him they— Lance is sending some CIA people over to check everything out. Dont shoot them, and compare their faces to the photos on their IDs. There were many feet on the stairs now, and policemen flooded into the room. Thank you, Fred. To whom? I dont think Ill leave the house until next Tuesday, he replied. Five You dont dare to tie it down to any particular period of time. Oh, you just shoot him in the head? You mean after I saw her out there when she got in the cab that afternoon? What? He was so scared he jumped at everything. He heard a siren and he just ran out of here. Knocked over his glass on the bar and broke it while he was at it. I felt sorry for him. A lot of people dont like him. But like I say, we went through Nam together. Reality in America. And for your information, we dont have a justice system in this country. We have alegal system. I got a whole platoon of in-house lawyers and fifteen more on the outside on retainer. All top of the heap in talent and connections. And I still dont think it’s enough. Just the cost of doing business. Courthouse is open to every son of a bitch who wants to play the legal lottery. And I am one big target. How did it end up? I tried to make my scan of the place casual. I didnt see Bromfield anywhere. Then he pulled a Clint Eastwood. He shoved the bat across the bar and into my chest. Now get the hell out of here. Yes. Like I said, he has a fetish. He was quite mad, wasnt he? Brown..