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She wanted to visit you here many times, but that would not have been a good thing, so I put the kibosh on that. We arranged for a safe place for her to live abroad. There are forty-five of you here now, Cowl had said, looking around the room and lingering on just a few. Devine had a feeling this was all scripted and that these minions had already been preordained to be passed on up the chain. He hadnt been one of them. Who did you want me to commit? Mason asked. Myself? Koontz shrugged.Who the hell knows? he said. “You get a long strike and whos gonna get pissed off most? Well, the fuckin voters, thats who, and they’re already screamin’ about how the city’s got too many people on the payroll anyhow. Well, if a strike keeps them from getting their garbage picked up for two months, then come election day they’re sure as shit stinks gonna vote for somebody who ain’t gonna play patty-cake with no union. And don’t think the pols don’t know this. Sure. Im making sure, Mason said. Now, look. You wont like this, but youve got to give me some assurance against a double-cross. How old was he by then, Quane said, sixty? I had a world-class hacker try. And fail. I have someone else trying. Does that happen a lot? Then I was not the father. I hadnt even met her at that point. I found Frank, and that led me to you. And speaking of Frank, hes not in very good shape right now. Hes lying on the floor in there with a bad wound on his forehead. South America? So stipulated. That bullshit explanation about calling me sweet cheeks. She leaned forward and spoke in an even lower voice. You were in the building that night. You didnt leave your phone behind. You went up to the fifty-second floor. And saw us. And youre here trying to, I don’t know, blackmail me? Or make me feel like shit. Or both. Della Street nodded.Ill get your hat, Chief..