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Devine had looked down at his drink for precisely this reason. When he looked up, he was composed.Im no computer genius, but give me the right equipment and a little time, and I could put your face on somebody elses body and walk it anywhere I wanted. Possibly, I said, but thats all it is. She held the paper out and let it flutter to my desk. Dino pocketed it.My evidence man thanks you. No, you wont be. I started up the stairs. I did, but hes not following us. Where to first, sir? Fred asked. Whatever was going on, Cindy sure wasnt going to be happy about it. Sure. Its gotta be from the same gun. Yes. She started telling me all this when I was fifteen. I hated him for it but I had to admit in a painful way it was sort of fascinating. Fourteen weeks. Shed tell me when he had a new one — she trained me to see the signs. And hear them. The only time I ever heard my father sing was when he was having an affair. It was so stupid. Youd think hed be aware of something like that.’ A soft laugh. He has a really terrible voice. And he always sang the same song. Lost in Love. The song is as bad as his voice. Really lame. Mom always wondered if he sang it to his girlfriends.’ Turn it off while I walk through, Dino said. In the canoe? In that case, I want to know that he has no one to support his word, Mason said. Oh, go ahead, the sheriff said, and then added grimly, after the way you treated me, I dont aim to go out of my way to do anything for you. Ill do what the judge said, and thats all. What time are you supposed to see Mr. Vullo? He woke up in time for a hot supper served in bed by Helene. Still no word from Holly. That sounds reasonable. Its all right, Mason said, I think I'll go get Dorothy Fenner out of bed and tell her about it. That may forestall some interviews with the newspaper, and … “.