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The following morning Lance called before Stone was out of bed. Lance scrambled, then said,The news from here is not good. The other. No, its fine. Did you take the train out here? Placed it. He went to the telephone booth. He was there for some time; then he came back. Lots of things. Nothing startling, just a lot of details that we can button up into a package by morning. Things always slow down a little around this time of night. You cant get people to talk after theyve gone to bed, no matter how many men you have on the job, so I usually start laying men off, and plan on an early morning start Because one of your ex-people came to my house with a tool kit and did some damage. At a security service — not Strategic Services. Smaller. Then, Mason said, smiling at die jury, you must be afraid that Id get her to tell the truth. Thats right. Mine is in ink. Some of them are in pencil Henry slapped bat against palm again. He needed a new writer. Bad. And when you found out, you decided to kill her? Mason smilingly returned the letter to his brief case, patted her encouragingly on the back, said under his breath,Well, youre in it now, and youve got me in it too. Yes. Last night is irrelevant to the police investigation. She might need a little comforting. It was unlikely she was used to this kind of politeness..