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He could be in New Jersey, Dino said. Chapter Seventeen Of course I didnt go. Naturally I didnt want to see him unless you were along. I know, Mason told her. Im a narrow-minded old fuddyduddy. Ive always been suspicious whenever I see a woman jumping out of a window… So then what did you do? Return to the stand, Dr. Oberon, the judge directed. One of the telephones rang. Just do your best. I did not, Dino said. Campbell pulled an envelope from his pocket.But she asked me to give you this. She nodded gravely and I could see that she was more than just a little drunk.Thats what I was, wasnt I? The best fuck in St. Louis. Guys used to come from all over — from Chicago, Denver, Omaha, all over — just to find out if it was true and every man jack of em told me it was. She looked at me and smiled and I saw that there was a lot more gold in her smile than there had been. No. But no. Mason heard the officer in the car making contact on the two-way radiophone. You know that governor of ours who should be in prison but isnt? He hid the recorder in the church? How would you like to go to Paris for a few days?.