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And why is that? Yes. Della Street started to say something, then changed her mind and waited until Mason had finished reading the journal and tossed it to one side. He just told me, and I believed him. Drake left the room and Mason exchanged glances with Della Street, then started pacing the floor. I reached over and borrowed a cigarette from Quanes pack. He still smoked Camels, I noticed. I lit the cigarette and said, The Kennedys. Hes going to stir all that up again, isnt he? He tried to force a smile. Force, because if thiswas dirty money, and it had to be taken back?Thats great, Jill. You must have really wowed them. And that valuation means you are rich! She looked stunned.Wow. That went by fast. When I go to the office I usually at least have soup and some coffee, but Ive been working here all day. She fixed on his injuries. “My gosh, what happened to you? Did you fall off your motorcycle? Uh-huh. He looked out the window and bit into a celery stick. Then about an horn later a gentleman came in and said he wanted to see her. He told me she was expecting him so there was no need to announce him. Well, thats against the rules of the place, but he looked like the sort of man you could trust—reserved, a gentleman—not the sort that would be apt to make any racket, cause any trouble or report a man for violating a rule. Next, he googled the name Anne Comely. He had done this before and found nothing. The result this time was the same. Even Emerson Campbell and his people could find nothing on the woman. Oh — oh, God, Dev. I didnt recognize your voice and it scared me. How come Granddad didnt answer? Keddie came forward and was sworn. So, its working now? Devine was standing across the street from where Jennifer Stamos had lived in Hamilton Heights, near Harlem. And where she had now died. He had found her home address on a database at work. He had read the cryptic message a dozen times.You can only love one person. That might be significant. Stamos had loved Ewes. Had Ewes loved someone else before? And because her love had moved on to Stamos, she had lost? And so had Stamos? And what did the sender mean by it not being pretty? Or fun? Devine handed over his security card. Valentine pulled a device out of his backpack on the floor and held it up to the card.This is one twenty-five. Is bullshit. I have app on phone. I can clone card right now by writing whats on your card onto clean one I get from Amazon. Is big bullshit just like encryption on your security database. Everybody did before the second shot was fired, then there was the noise of feet ringing on the steel fire escape, then nothing. A moment later, what sounded like a garden gate slammed. Any deal I do, my lawyers sign off on it. Or I should say I found Rose Mary amusing until I got the digital recorder back to my office after Showalter took his own life and Detective Wade went into the hospital with a serious wound between his shoulder and his heart, leaving me with the recorder overnight..