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Drake said,As nearly as police can tell from a superficial examination, the murder must have taken place around nine oclock this evening. It was the servants night out and she didnt return until around ten o’clock. Objected to as incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial, and not proper cross-examination, calling for a conclusion of the witness, Hamilton Burger said. He was thus stunned when not a single name, other than Jerry Myers, appeared on the screen as having accessed that floor on Friday morning. How was that possible? He did another search and then popped his head up for a moment to make sure the coast was still clear. He checked his watch. He still had time. They crammed into Tapshaws Mini Cooper and made the short drive to downtown Mount Kisco. Forty Chanson thought about it for a moment.I see no reason why I cant tell you that. They were all temporary jobs to last no more than six months. She seemed so excited about being a mother. I wonder what changed her mind? What do you think his name really is? I asked as I started to leave. And you took her there? Mason said,Youre going to be charged with murder in about fifteen minutes, as soon us the district attorney can get the papers filed. Now the third was the night of the murder. Within one minute, yes. And there goes any proof of anything, said Devine. Was the dogs foot bleeding? But then this hiccup you mentioned happened?.