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I didnt kill him. Stone, who had not bothered to carry a weapon, since he had had no intention of leaving the house, now opened his office safe, retrieved a Sig Arms 9mm pistol, racked the slide, grabbed a spare magazine, and sat down at his desk again, the pistol in his hand. No, Im still too broken up. You look like you might have worn the uniform. Im willing to consider it, I guess. I saw the unmarked car go after the SUV, Dino said. Fall in behind it but stay well back. Some sales were made late this afternoon, Doxey said noncommittally. There are others to get along with, Doxey said. Im in the position of being between two fires. You had plenty of money. Everything under control? The houses are now all torn down? Ill tell him its a personal favor, she said. Hancock glanced down in surprise.You can tell just from the butt of the gun? I can understand that. Tillis tapped her fingernails on the desk and then looked at something on her phone for a few moments. The name Sara provided was a Dr. John Wyman. She gave him the mans contact information. She is dead. Okay, one finger. In here, Cory..