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The medical examiner, a middle-aged woman who carried a black medical bag and a pink umbrella, had spent her time in Cabin Six. Even though she must have been accustomed to working with corpses in various stages of decomposition, apparently the combination of the body and the vile condition of the cabin forced her to duck outside every few minutes and take in deep and grateful lungs full of relatively fresh air. When shed finished, shed taken Showalter aside to talk to him. She spoke so softly I didnt catch a single word. How much? Explain, please. Your Honor, I object, Mason said, jumping to his feet. I demand that the district attorney withdraw that statement and … “ That mother almost shot you, he said. When you went and threw that bottle he almost shot you. There was a long silence while she thought that over.Say, she said at length, her voice suddenly enthusiastic, “I guess youre not so dumb, after all. Can you point to the place where you saw the defendant? He looked at his watch. He had to get back upstairs to the penthouse, without being seen. He couldnt make some excuse to Cowl about returning, because the only way hecould return alone was if he had a phone he wasnt supposed to have. Are you Barrington? She sighed.Thats the best deal Im going to get, isnt it? Twenty-Nine You have that receipt here? Sam shook his head and grimaced, as though something foul had entered his mouth.Jerry Myers. Thought the poor guy was going to stroke out. He come running in here screaming about this gal hanging in the storage closet. I thought hed lost his marbles. I mean, inthis building, what the hell, right? How? said Hancock quickly. How do you know? Hasnt it occurred to him to look up here? Mason asked. Cant she see you at that window? And shed lose. And both Jess and my dear brother wouldnt be the superstars they think they are. God, what a word. Superstars. It almost gags me to say it. But thats how they look at themselves.’ He knew she was right and it still pissed him off.Well, Iam innocent. He hesitated. Vullo nodded dubiously as if he wanted me to know that he thought I was lying. I touched the check again for solace and then brought out my tin box and rolled a cigarette. I took my time and looked up at Vullo once. He was watching me with an expression of faint disapproval. I wasnt sure whether he disapproved of my smoking or of the fact that I rolled my own. After I lit the cigarette he reached into a drawer and produced a small glass ashtray, the kind that you can buy in a drugstore for twenty-nine cents. He shoved it across the desk to me. Who was with him?.