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I thought for a moment.Mix, I said finally. “In a curious kind of way he reminds me very much of Arch Mix. Corsing looked up at the ceiling.Lets suppose the FBI went clumping around out in St. Louis and the union found out that they were there at the suggestion of Senator Corsing. Well, Senator Corsing is up for election in two years and Senator Corsing would very much like to get re-elected. If his theory is full of shit, Senator Corsing would much prefer that nobody found out that it was his theory — especially the splendid public servants of the great city of St. Louis and their sizeable bloc of votes. Theres gotta be, Murfin said and Quane nodded wisely. Look, Murfin went on, selling me now, “a guy has a great job. He gets along with his wife — well, okay anyway. His healths good. Hes forty-five and his kids aren’t in jail and that’s something. So he gets up one morning, has breakfast, reads the paper, gets in his car and starts to work. He never gets there. They never find him. They never even find his car. He’s just gone.” I was looking toward the kitchen, thinking that Quane perhaps had forgotten the cream or the sugar for his coffee. There was a sound to my left. I looked. Max Quane came out of the bathroom. Well, then she told me that she wanted to go to the Union Station. Well, I knew that was a blind because— Lunch. The 6:20 train. Is it a well-lit neighborhood? Ruth Marvel had evidently been crying and was apparently angry. She permitted herself to be sworn, gave her name, address, took the witness stand, avoided Sybil Harlans eyes and glared angrily at the district attorney. PoofI Specifically, what did you do? So when Mix disappeared the Council was in the early stages of negotiating a new contract with the city. A week after Mix disappeared the International sent out about a half-dozen guys from its headquarters here in Washington to help with the negotiations. Prime motive for murder, dont you think, depending on whats there? This is Michelle Montgomery. Michelle, Helen Speers, a recent NYU Law grad. Busy like Larkin. He moved out of his apartment a few months ago, owing three months rent. Funny, he could afford to pay it, but he didnt. And the wife? I did, yes, sir. I went home and started going over the stuff I found. Let me know if you hear back from him..