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Nothing. I was listening to the radio down in the car. I didnt even hear the shots. Thats the truth, Mr. Mason. The first thing I knew was that I went in there and he was dead. Of course, the murderer must have been in there at the time, and if Id gone up the stairs far enough, he’d either have shot me or knocked me out and dashed out of the house. Apparently, Lutts was the only one he was after. When he heard me coming, instead of coming toward me, he must have retreated. He didn’t want me to see him. I had enough presence of mind to realize that. If I’d seen his face, thenhe’d have had to kill me, too. So I ran. Just like the last time you asked that, Im not going to answer. But I will say that what Jenn and I have is... special. Thats all, Mason said. Oxley shook his head as if able to appreciate a true marvel when he ran across it and went back to his reading.Shoes, according to witness, were crepe-soled desert boots, probably Clark brand. High tops made it impossible for witness to specify color of perpetrators socks. Mason looked at his watch. It was several minutes since Mrs. Harlan had called.I thought wed hear from Doxey before this. He should be getting worried. Id like to get some action before dark. I hate to do this to you, Della, but youre going to have a late dinner. Get Doxey again, will you please? Stone showed him.Thats the guy. Take a good look at him, and he wont look so ordinary next time. Devine lied and said,But I work on this floor. The witness walked over to the map and indicated the road. She stepped out of the office. She put down some flaps and lowered the landing gear, slowing the airplane further. Light poured from the front window, welcoming given the rain pounding on my rental and the spider-legged lightning I saw in the distance. Exactly, Mason said. Its a physical impossibility to sign your name under such circumstances so that the signature compares with a signature such as is on this piece of paper which you made on the judges desk. Devine walked off into the darkness. The train opened its door and he climbed on board. With these perilous thoughts running through his head, he was mentally exhausted before hed even gotten to work. In other words, this man was George S. Alder? Mason said to the clerk of the court,if youll make me a certified copy of the judges order, Mr. Clerk, I'll see about getting my client released on bail. Objection overruled. Youre stalling. How can you say that? She was your child, Devine snapped back. She was a good person. And she didnt deserve to be murdered! He looked over as Helen Speers walked up to him, dressed in a dark jacket and matching skirt, a briefcase in hand..